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Backing Up Your WordPress Book

devicestogetherWriting a book using WordPress is turning out to be an experience as good as I had hoped it would be. Being able to write on any device either in the browser or via the WordPress app is a great experience for a writer.

Obviously, I do a lot of writing using WordPress over the years for journalism and opinion column writing and as a HTML editor – once you remove your mental imitations, the sky is the limit.

But once you start writing a book using WordPress, you have to do the same thing that you do with your computers and devices – you need to back up your work.

I’ve found that the best and easiest way to do this is to use the Aspose plugin and download it to whatever device you happen to be writing on at the moment and then do whatever you like best with the file. Myself, I upload it to Google Drive as a poor man’s backup solution rather than using my normal backup softare (it gets backed up anyways) so I have access to that particular version of the chapters.

You certainly don’t have to use the Apose plugin to achieve getting a copy of your work – you can copy/paste it as well, however, I’ve found that Apose does a perfect job of converting the book into the format I want it in so I go that route.

If you’ve been reading these WordPress book writing posts you know that I started using WordPress to do the writing because it’s a fumbling, stumbling pain to try to cloud the files because of having to use different software on different devices and that most cloud solutions for doing this are cumbersome to use. I much prefer coming to the website and just wriitng rather than opening different software, downloading the cloud version, opening it, writing, saving it, clouding it back up and then wonder why I was only able to write one paragraph in the time allotted.

Next up, remodeling your kitchen with WordPress!

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