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Quick…what’s the worst thing you can do during an emergency involving your cat? Panicking.

In an interview with Denise Fleck, Pet Safety Crusader™, Victoria Geager asked her what are the three most important cat emergency tips that she can come up with. And here they are:

What are three tips you can give us to help prevent or prepare for a cat emergency?

  1. A calm YOU along with a towel and muzzle. Cats pick up on our energy, so take a deep breath but ahead of time…learn basic cat first aid!

  2. Of course I’m going to say your Cat’s First Aid Kit, but…Pumpkin puree or dehydrated pumpkin/apple fiber.

  3. Also a covered bathroom garbage can. I’ll bet this one surprises you, but many cats choke or worse on used dental floss!

Read the rest….

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