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Sleeping With Your Kitten

Introducing Tedbird IV

When Little Tedbird (Tedbird 4) came to live with us, she was barely 5 weeks old, an orphan that had been rescued by a nice lady. From the very first night, Little Tedbird has slept with me. She starts the night off by snoozing in the office chair next to the bed but a 1AM every night, it’s cave huggie time!

Snuggling with a kitten is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. Kittens are sweet and cuddly and soft. I’m pretty sure that simply holding a kitten can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your stress level.

But kittens are also wild and crazy — and they are frequently likely to be both in the middle of the night or very early in the morning. They like to pounce on anything that moves, including whatever is under the sheets, and their little claws are sharp! And because kittens are basically babies, they might not have their house manners down pat just yet.

In general I suggest that new kitten owners hold off for a while on sharing the bed with their furry friend. Waiting until your kitten is more mature to snuggle him in your sleep has a number of benefits, for you and for him. Here are four good reasons to keep your kitten off the big bed — for now, at least.

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