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What Is Living With Them About?

Mister Kitty on his very first night with me.

Mister Kitty on his very first night with me.

Living With Them is a book about so much more than the death of a beloved pet and what happened. It’s a book about what I’ve learned during my life from facing adversity, grief and the joy of life that came from the depths of dispair. It is about the strengthening of faith that comes from grief, about how God shows us the joy of creation, relationships and living. Living With Them is a celebration of what happens when you throw of the yoke of grief and grab the reins of life.
The valley of the shadow of death thing – anyone who has been there knows that there are no words that can describe the depths of dispair in grief.

Grief is a process of profound loss – grief is the emotion of our missing a loved one or even a loved object. It’s not about whom or what we’ve lost. It’s about us and should be embraced so that it can run it’s course naturally. It’s not about getting drunk or high to deal with it.

Craig Johnson, a writer, penned a series of books titled “The Walt Longmire Mysteries” about a sheriff in Wyoming which is now a popular television series (which was picked up by Netflix and is now produced by them). Walt Longmire has a lot to tell us as he goes through his crime solving and has a wonderful and epic set of ethics that he does his best not to violate. Before the series started, Walt’s wife was murdered and much of the first few seasons revolves around that event.

In the pilot of the series, he has to inform a woman that not only was her husband murdered but he was murdered while he was trying to find his daughter that she didn’t know about. The wife asks him if the pain of the loss ever gets better. Walt answers her with this:

“Does it ever stop hurting? Not really. You see, the only way for it to stop hurting is if we forget about them. And that’s the thing. I don’t want to forget anything about them.” – Walt Longmire, season 1, episode 1



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